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Holy Family Catholic Primary School



01229 828018


Welcome to Year 5!


Class Teacher: Mr Healey 

Support Staff: Mrs Stockill-Bircher and Mrs Bragg



Please see our Curriculum Maps which outlines the exciting things that we will cover in Year 5.

Autumn Term 

 Spring Term

Summer Term

 Outdoor and PE Days

  • Year 5 will need to wear their outdoor uniform on the following days: Tuesday and Friday.


  • Reading: 20-25 minutes independent reading daily to be recorded in the Homework Reading folder on Showbie. Once they have finished their book, children should write a review to include the title and author, the plot and what they liked or disliked about the book.  These can be a voice note or text note in the same Showbie folder.  
  • Times tables: to be practised daily for ten minutes using TT Rockstars or an alternative method.
  • Spellings: to be practised using Spelling Shed or an alternative method. a weekly test on Friday 

Please do get in touch if you are unable to access any of these online platforms.



  • We strive to foster a love of books through all of our lessons and in the reading books chosen by the children. 
  • Children will have the opportunity to read for pleasure in school every day so they will always need to have a book with them. 
  • Children are welcome to bring a book from home or to choose from our class library.


Times tables

  • Children will be revisiting all of the times tables in Year 5 in order to increase fluency. 
  • All children have a TT Rockstars account which they should used as a part of their homework.


Useful links


At Holy Family, we always welcome open communications between parents, pupils and teachers, therefore please do get in touch via email or telephone if you have any questions or would like to speak to myself or a member of our Year 5 team and we can arrange an appointment.

Thank you for your continued support,


The Year 5 team