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Holy Family Catholic Primary School



01229 828018


Communication with Parents


Our main form of communication with parents is our school app. As a school, we work very hard to try to make our communication the best it can possibly be whilst at the same time vastly reducing the number of letters that are sent out.


We are asking that ALL parents sign up to this app so that you are kept up to date with everything that is happening in our school. This includes news items, newsletters, and our events calendar.


Our app also has links to our online payment system and lunchshop which is where school meals can be ordered.


For IOS users: To find the app in the App Store, simply search for School Jotter and download the app powered by Webanywhere.


For android users: To find the app in the Google Play Store, simply search for School Jotter and download the app.

Please make sure that you regularly check the app. The app also has a feature which allows you to only receive notifications relevant to your child’s year group. Simply click on the menu button on the top left hand corner of the main app page and choose the settings option from the drop down menu. Click on the news button and choose which notifications you wish to receive. Please make sure you have 'School News' clicked as everyone needs this one.