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Holy Family Catholic Primary School



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Welcome to Year 2 !

Our teacher is Mrs Benn and our teaching assistants are Mrs Bryson, Miss Phizacklea, Mrs Pepper and Mrs Wilson.  

Autumn term

Our topic this term is ‘Healthy bodies and Fire, fire!’  We hope you enjoy reading our curriculum map which outlines all the wonderful activities we will be completing this term.

Spring term

Please see below the exciting activities we will be completing in the Spring term.

Summer term

Summer term is here and we cannot wait for another fun-filled and hard-working term.

Our topic this term is 'Places near and Far'. We hope you enjoy reading our curriculum map which outlines all the fantastic activities we will be completing this term.


Individual reading books will continue to be sent home with the children and all children will be heard reading on an individual basis at least once a week. 

Reading is an integral part of learning in our classroom and I would be most grateful if you could continue to support your child, by reading daily with/to your child for at least 20 minutes, comment in our home to school reading diary and making any relevant comments.

The books will be changed regularly and it is hoped the children will become increasingly more independent in this routine throughout the year.

In class, our focus will now be on comprehension of different texts and we will have daily reading comprehension activities.


Spellings and Phonics

Children will continue to have a daily phonics & spelling lesson. We will continue to recap the children’s knowledge of grapheme and phonemes learnt in Year 1 and 2 alongside learning specific spelling rules and patterns.

As children progress throughout the year, our aim is for the children to become fluent readers and increasingly accurate spellers. 

To support your child with their spellings, we have attached a copy of all high frequency words from Year 1 & 2, Year 2 common exception words and termly spellings below. 

Weekly spellings will be set via 'Spelling Shed' for your children to practise their spellings at home. Please aim to spend around 10 mins every day Monday to Friday playing the fun games and practising your child's given spellings. All children will then have a spelling test/challenge on the Friday linked to these spellings and spelling rule.

High Frequency words and Year 1 & 2 Common Exception Words


This year the children should become confident with their 2, 3, 5, and ten times tables. We will also work on adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers, multiplication and division (within 2, 3, 5 and 10 x tables), fractions, shape and measurement. Within measurement we will focus on time, money, length, height, weight, mass, capacity and volume.


We love reading bible stories in class and we try to understand the messages behind them. We will also continue to learn about Gospel values and the things we can do to follow them. 



This year our science work will build on what the children learnt in Year 1 and we will develop our investigation skills, exploring how to work scientifically and carry out experiments. Look out for Discovery Dog in our classroom as he helps us to plan an investigation!



In addition to regular reading at home, the following key skills homework is essential in Year 2:

  • TT rockstars
  • Spellings Shed 

The spellings your children practise throughout the week will be included in a weekly dictation and challenge on a Friday morning.


Year 2 KS1 SATS

Miss Edmondson is responsible for judging the standards your child is working at in English reading, English writing, mathematics and science, by the end of key stage 1. This allows the school to measure your child’s performance and identify their needs as they progress into key stage 2. 

To help inform those judgements, pupils will take part in national curriculum tests in English, mathematics and SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) commonly known as SATS. Miss Edmondson will ensure that these are incorporated into the child’s everyday activities and learning, therefore the children will be unaware that they are even taking them. As a result of this, we kindly ask that you don’t talk to the children about these tests as we feel this can add unnecessary worry.




At Holy Family, we always welcome open communications between parents, pupils and teachers, therefore please do get in touch via email or telephone if you have any questions or would like to speak to myself or a member of our Year 2 team and we can arrange an appointment.

Thank you for your continued support,


The Year 2 team