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Holy Family Catholic Primary School



01229 828018


Our Library

Holy Family library is a vibrant facility that enhances and supports learning across the curriculum. It also offers a welcoming environment for pupils who are looking for a place to read, relax and retreat momentarily from the rigours of the school day.

Mission of the Library
The mission of the library  is to enrich and support the school community.  This entails providing a wide range of quality materials on all appropriate levels of difficulty, providing materials and services that will encourage growth in knowledge and encourage a love of reading.  In order to accomplish this mission the librarians and classroom teachers will collaborate to teach pupils how to locate, select, evaluate, organise, and communicate information as it relates to School's educational curriculum standards.

The library plays a vital role in developing a love of reading and in encouraging good, lifelong reading habits. To this end, the librarian seeks to balance curriculum with recreational needs by selecting books of high appeal, as well as those which will stretch students’  minds and stimulate them to further inquiry. By providing materials to reinforce, enrich and extend classroom learning experiences. The librarian functions as a cooperative member of the teaching staff, a consultant on the use of materials and a teacher of those library skills which help students develop competency in the independent use of resources.

The library team

Mrs Wilson (Head Librarian)  Year 5 pupils  (Junior Librarians)

Pupil librarians 

We encourage pupils to help in the library. We recruit pupil librarians who are trained. The librarians come during their lunch break to shelve books and do other tasks that keep the library running smoothly. Some librarians are trained as Reading Buddies, which allows them to be involved in the development of younger pupils reading skills.

Encouraging reading

In the library, we have a range of activities to encourage our pupils to read for pleasure. Mrs Wilson and the Year 5 librarians run lunchtime book clubs for pupils to read and share their thoughts and ideas. The emphasis of these clubs is on having fun and developing a joy of reading. 

Having fun!

We run regular book-based competitions and reward schemes to engage pupils and encourage participation in library events. Please check our School Jotter App and social media pages for more information.


Holy Family library on social media

The library has a very active Twitter page. This is where we publish library news, information on events and author visits, book reviews etc.  Please take a look!