Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Quorum: 4 + Bursar
The Committee has the power to act on behalf of the Governing Body and will give progress reports through committee minutes presented to the Full Governing Body.
To review and recommend to the Full Governing Body the following school’s policies and improvement plan priorities: -
Scheme of Financial Delegation
Register of Business Interests of Head teacher and Governors (all committees)
Risk Register
Pay Policy
Governors’ Allowances
Risk Assessments
Accessibility Plan
Lettings Policy
Charging Policy
Counter Fraud Policy
Freedom of Information Policy
Data Protection Policy
Business Continuity Plan
Unless there is a change in legislation that would affect the contents of the above, policies will be reviewed by the committee every 3 years, except in the case of the Pay Policy, Scheme of Financial Delegation, Access Plan, the Register of Business Interests (also verbally declared at each subsequent meeting) which will be reviewed on an annual basis. Governors will highlight which policies require reviewing at their first meeting of the autumn term.
- To provide guidance and assistance to the Headteacher, Senior Management Team, School Business Manager and the Governing Body in all matters relating to budgeting and finance.
- To ensure that spending plans are linked to the School’s Improvement Plan.
- To take expenditure decisions beyond the remit of the Headteacher (as identified in the Scheme of Delegation) and report these decisions to the Governing Body.
- Plan and monitor expenditure.
- Working with the Business Manager draw up a draft annual budget for presentation to the full Governing Body for approval at the first meeting of the summer term.
- Working with the Headteacher and Business Manager to ensure Best Value outcomes.
- To submit the approved annual budget to the Local Authority by the specified date.
- To monitor & evaluate Pupil Premium and PE funding expenditure by receiving termly reports from the Headteacher to check against the approved budget
- To ensure that the Headteacher has adequate financial procedures and controls in place for the day to day management of the school’s financial affairs and is operating in accordance with Cumbria County Council’s standing orders and financial regulations.
- To ensure that financial information is provided to the Local Authority as required and respond to recommendations made by the Council’s Director of Corporate Finance following internal audits of the school.
- To monitor and evaluate the delegated budget by receiving termly reports from the Business Manager to check against the approved budget.
- To submit the annual SFVS return to the Director of Children's Services
- To appoint auditors to audit all unofficial funds and ensure that audited accounts are submitted annually to the Full Governing Body.
- To maintain a Register of Pecuniary Interests.
Pay Review
- The terms of reference for Pay Review Committee are stated in the Pay Policy.
- Act as the Pay Committee to annually review the pay of all staff.
Building and Premises
- To draw up a 5 year building plan for maintenance and improvement work.
- Working with the Headteacher and Business Manager bid for additional funding to finance the projects in the 5 year building plan.
- Working with the Headteacher and Business Manager to make decisions on school contracts and monitor quality of service for premises and grounds maintenance following rules for Best Value.
Other Responsibilities
- To review arrangements for insurance and ensure adequate cover.
- To ensure a school risk register is reviewed and submitted to the FGB for approval at least 1 per annum.
- To consider and decide upon any appeals against the decision of the first committee regarding Staff Dismissal and Pupil Discipline.
- To report back, through Minutes, to the Governing Body, on decisions made, actions taken and/or recommendations for consideration.
- Working with the Headteacher and senior leadership team, audit and review all other policies relating to the work and responsibilities of this committee