We have a fantastic Nursery which is run by qualified Teachers with the support of Teaching Assistants.
We are able to offer both 15 hour and 30 hour Nursery provision. Our 15 hour places are either 5 morning sessions or 5 afternoon sessions.
Please click here for your information about eligibility for the 30 hour code.
If you would like to know more about our Nursery and what we can offer for your child, please contact the school office on 01229 828018 and make an appointment to come and have a look around our school.
More information about our Nursery class can be found here.
Morning session
Our morning session runs from 08:45-11:40.
Lunch is from 11:40-12:40
If you would like your child to stay for lunch, the cost is £1 for lunchtime supervision and this is not included in the 30 hour funding. The lunchtime supervision is booked and paid for using our online payment system. You can send a packed lunch in with your child or alternatively, you can order a school meal using 'Lunchshop' which costs £2.65.
Afternoon session
Our afternoon session runs from 12:40-15:30.
Wrap around care
Our school has both a Breakfast Club and an After School Club which Nursery children are welcome to attend.
Please click on the following links to find out more information: