Our Curriculum Vision
‘Start children off on the way they should go and even when they are old, they will not turn from it’ (Proverbs 22:6) underpins our curriculum vision in all areas of the curriculum. Our vision is to provide children from the very youngest in Nursery to our Year 6 children who are ready to embark on their exciting adventures into Secondary schools with the very best learning opportunities so that when they leave our care, they will be able to achieve their goals and aspirations whilst being upstanding members of the community. We accomplish this through our unwavering Catholic ethos which permeates all we do, as we value every member of our school community regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or faith.
The aim at Holy Family Catholic Primary School is to provide opportunities for all children to develop as independent, confident, successful learners with high aspirations who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society. There is a high focus on developing children’s moral, spiritual, social and cultural understanding through the message of love, joy and celebration of humanity. Through our whole school vision, Holy Family Catholic Primary School creates an environment where all children feel welcome and can flourish, ensuring that our children are well prepared for life in modern Britain.
Our focus on curriculum development promotes teaching and learning experiences which are always carefully designed to ensure coverage and progression. A primary focus of Holy Family’s curriculum is to raise aspirations; create a sense of personal pride in achievement; provide a purpose and relevance for learning and ultimately to help every child find their strengths and interests. In order to achieve this, it is vital that the children enjoy being at our school. An important part of this enjoyment is our love of outdoor learning as we strongly believe that taking our learning outdoors enhances the learning experiences of children and is very important for their mental well being. High quality visits and visitors are also chosen to enhance the curriculum, which provides pupils with memorable experiences combining to create diverse and rich opportunities from which children can learn and develop a range of transferable skills. Subject leaders play an important part in the success of the curriculum by leading a regular programme of monitoring, evaluation and review where impact and outcomes for all children are always central.