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Holy Family Catholic Primary School



01229 828018



Our Geography curriculum is knowledge rich. This means the knowledge children will gain has been carefully specified, ordered coherently and builds over time. As children work through our geography curriculum they will know more and understand more about the world around them. The skills our curriculum develops, like the knowledge, are specified, ordered coherently and progress over time. This curriculum structure helps pupils to deepen their understanding of physical and human geographical processes.

 As children work through the curriculum they will know more and understand more about their local area, the UK, Europe and the World.

 Children will learn about key geographical concepts such as place, space, the environment and interconnection. Over time, children will add to their conceptual understanding with many examples of geographical knowledge in context. Children will become more skilled at answering questions such as; what is it like to live in this place? What are the challenges of this environment? How have people changed this landscape over time? Children will gain an understanding of what geographers do, what they look for and what they may say about a place.

Our geography curriculum equips pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people and environments. We have seen that arming children with powerful knowledge about the world around them helps them to develop a love for the subject of geography, and also recognise their own role in becoming a responsible global citizen.

Here is our Geography long term plan that outlines what the children will learn throughout the year. For further information, please see our Curriculum maps.

Please see our below our fieldwork overview and Geography skills progression document:


As part of our Early Years ethos, we strive to inspire children’s curiosity and fascination about the World around them and the different people, places and cultures. We aim to develop and deepen their geographical knowledge and understanding and equip them with the necessary skills to help them thrive in their geographical learning. There are many opportunities for carrying out geography related activities in all areas of learning in the EYFS, especially through the specific area Understanding the World. Children will begin to gain a wider experience of the world around them by learning through first-hand experiences to explore, observe, predict, think critically, make decisions and talk about the people, creatures, plants and objects in their natural environments and the local area. They will learn about familiar features such as houses, farms and shops through their everyday experiences and will encounter distant places through staff following their interests, carefully planned themes and stories. The children will be encouraged to observe and discuss the weather regularly during EYFS, becoming familiar with the different weather types. Staff will ask children open-ended questions, to help them to think and make connections between ideas and encourage them to record their ideas through mark-making and discussions.


To see the full Geography National Curriculum, click here.