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Holy Family Catholic Primary School



01229 828018


 Welcome to Year 4!

Mrs Benn is our class teacher in Year 4.

Miss Bryson is our teaching assistant.


Here are our curriculum maps so you can see all of the exciting things that we have planned for you this academic year!



Reading - The children will be required to read each day (approximately 30 minutes) Please record using your child's online reading journal, on Showbie, when you hear them read aloud at home.  

TT Rockstars - The children will continue to have access to Times Tables Rockstars both at school and at home.  Access to this resource at home will help to improve their speed and accuracy of mental recall of multiplication and division facts for the 1 to 12 times tables ready for their 'Times table check' which will take place next June.

Spellings - Attached on the School Jotter as a news letter, posted via Showbie. Each Monday they will be given new spellings to learn for a short test on Friday. Children will use EdShed to learn and develop their spelling skills. 

 PE/ Outdoor Day

As you are aware, we now have an outdoor/PE uniform for the children to wear.

Our PE days are Monday and Thursday and our outdoor day is Monday

On Monday, please send in a pair of wellies in a bag. Your child will also need a waterproof coat and if you have waterproof trousers then please send these in too. 

Please can everyone send in a pair of PE pumps (with your child’s name written in them) to be kept in their belongings box at school. They will need to have these ready in their boxes to start their PE lessons next week.

Here's to a successful and fun-filled time in Year 4! 

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please email me on

Thank you in advance for all you support,

Mrs Benn

'Somewhere inside all of us is the powers to change the world.' - Roald Dahl.