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Holy Family Catholic Primary School



01229 828018


Welcome to Year 3

 Miss Edmondson is the Year 3 teacher and Mrs Lamb is our teaching assistant.  

This is our curriculum map for the Autumn Term.

This is our curriculum map for the Spring Term.

This is our curriculum map for the Summer Term.


  • Reading: 20-25 minutes each day either independently or to an adult
  • Times tables: to be practised daily using TT Rockstars or an alternative method
  • Spellings: to be practised using Spelling Shed for a weekly test on Friday



In Year 3, reading becomes a much more independent activity and we strive to foster a love of books through all of our lessons and in the reading books chosen by the children.  

All children who are beyond ORT stage 10 will become a free reader and can choose books from the school library, or choose an appropriate book from home, as their reading book. 

We will continue to use the digital reading records that were used in Year 2.  These can be accessed by parents and school staff on the Showbie website or app.  This means your child's reading record is always in the right place at the right time!  In order to record your child's home reading, go in the Year 3 Home to school reading diaries folder and choose your child's name.  Reading can be recorded by leaving a short note.

Once they have finished their book, children should write a review to include the title and author, the plot and what they liked or disliked about the book.  These can be a voice note or text note on a photograph of the book in Showbie.  


Spelling and handwriting

The children will continue to have daily spelling and handwriting lessons.  Weekly spellings will be set via 'Spelling Shed' for your children to practise their spellings at home. Please aim to spend around 10 mins every day Monday to Friday playing the fun games and practising your child's given spellings. All children will then have a spelling test/challenge on the Friday linked to these spellings and spelling rule.  The above termly spelling overview will also be posted on the Jotter app so that you are aware of the current week's spellings.



The children will learn the 3, 4 and 8 times table over the course of the year.  We have a daily times table session in addition to mathematics lessons. 


Useful links


School Jotter:

Active Learn:

