“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify you Father in Heaven” (Matthew 5:16)
Mini Vinnies
What is Mini Vinnies?
Mini Vinnies is a group primary school young people who get together to help those in need within their school and local community.
To find out more about Mini Vinnies, please visit their website by clicking here.
At Holy Family School, our Mini Vinnies are a group of children dedicated to helping others and making a positive impact in our community. Inspired by the values of St. Vincent de Paul, they lead various charitable activities, including fundraising, collecting donations, and supporting local causes. The Mini Vinnies are always looking for ways to give back, showing kindness and compassion through their actions. Their efforts remind us that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference in the world around us.
Mini Vinnies truly turn concern into action as they use the simple formula of ‘See, Think, Do’ to find people in need and help them. They might help by:
- Charity Work – raising funds for different charities,
- Collecting food parcels or gift boxes for vulnerable children in the school community,
- Visiting local care homes to sing or play games with the residents,
- Leading collective worship in our school,
- Running food collections for a local foodbank.
Our Mini Vinnies work with our Mrs Porter and our Governor Frances Ryan who has strong links with our church and parishioners.
What have our Mini Vinnies been up to?
- We have collected cakes, ran a cake stall/coffee morning and raised money for MacMillan.
- We have made gifts for the Dementia Tea service monthly.
- We have collected food for Harvest and donated it to the local foodbank.
- We work with our classes on the Charity Planner.
- We have led a special whole school assembly about launching the Year of the Jubilee.
- We have made special wreaths for our classroom doors to remind about 'Doors of Hope'.