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Holy Family Catholic Primary School



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  1. News
  2. Year 4
  3. Y4 Charity Initiative

Y4 Charity Initiative

23 April 2024 (by holyfamily)


As part of our Summer Term Charity Initiative, Year 4 have selected to focus on the Furness Blind Society. 

We came up with the idea of making 3 sensory boxes to deliver to the chosen society.

The children have come up with various ideas of what they could place in the boxes. 

They each have a certain sense category to build on, either: hearing, tasting, smelling or touching. This list has been posted onto Showbie - the children are aware of this.

Please can we ask that any sensory donations are brought in over the next couple of weeks for us to create and build up the boxes to deliver. 

Just a note, there is no pressure to go out and spend on the selected items. Recycled items or already purchased items from home are more than welcome. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards, 

Miss Puckey.